What Is Active Acne?
Acne is caused by the enlargement and obstruction of sebaceous glands by bacteria in the skin. These multiply deep in the hair follicle and produce inflamed pus-filled spots and cysts, which can appear on the face, chest, back, limbs and virtually any other parts of the body. Acne should be treated as soon as possible as acne is more likely to go on to a scar if it is left untreated.
Acne skin disorders for some people can fuel anxiety. Self-esteem and quality of life may also suffer. But there are now effective treatments available to treat active acne using laser treatment.
Laser treatment is a minimally invasive therapy which may improve inflammatory acne with minimal downtime. Improvements can be noted in closed comedones and general skin condition, as well as a reduction in sebum production, pores and the red spots seen after inflammatory acne.
Studies have shown a significant reduction in active mild-moderate acne both during treatments and at a two month review.
Laser therapy is an option for those who have not attained desired results from other acne treatments, or if they are concerned about other treatment’s potential side effect profile. A combined treatment program is also available to optimize the results.
The series of treatments may be between 2 – 4 weeks apart; depending on the person’s skin type and goals, and the laser settings prescribed by Dr Watson.
Adjuvant therapies may be advised in some cases.
One of the options to further enhance the laser treatment results is the use of photodynamic therapy in order to target sebaceous gland activity. As it is a localised therapy its side effects are only in the region of the treated skin. Its aim is to disrupt the function of the sebaceous glands and the acne that results. This topical product is activated by a light source or laser. As this therapy is focused, the skin may be red and peeling for approximately one week.
Significant improvements in skin texture and smoothness may be achieved with a series of laser treatments.